
Is it possible for fetal development to stop and then come back?

Is it possible to stop fetal development and then return it? If yes then what are its signs? These questions come in the mind of some pregnant women due to the fear that the fetus will stop growing and cause death or anything that claims suspicious problems, so mothers always ask the doctor about the health of the fetus. And make sure he is healthy. Normal growth, and through the site we will learn in detail about fetal development.

Is it possible to stop fetal development and then return it?

Cessation of fetal development is considered one of the most important cases, but it does not mean the death of the fetus, since the fetus can return to development again in view of the many developments taking place in all its organs. The most important of which is its pulse.

The stages of fetal heartbeat do not appear at the same time, but there are several stages of fetal heart development depending on its age, and below we will explain those stages in the following points:

  • primary stage, At this stage, the fetal heart becomes like a tube, as it divides into a heart and its valves open and close to pump blood.
  • fifth week of pregnancy, The heart starts beating on its own, but at this stage the mother cannot hear the pulse, because blood vessels are formed in those weeks.
  • eighth week of pregnancy, In this stage, the number of heartbeats of the fetus increases more than the heartbeat of the mother and the heart continues to work at the same speed till the time of birth.

Therefore, if the growth of the fetus is less than normal, it indicates a serious condition, and the growth of the fetus may stop and then die, so in this case it should be rescued very quickly, but in a case where If the fetus stops moving permanently for a specific period, it may indicate miscarriage in the fetus. In most cases, the fetus dies.

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due to fetal growth arrest

A frightening answer to the question is: Is it possible to stop fetal development and then return it? There is a possibility that the fetal heart will stop and will not come back again, and in this case it is considered a big thunderbolt for the mother, so it is necessary to know in order the causes of fetal heart failure. be careful. Among them, which is reflected in the following points:

  • Some sudden diseases that affect the pregnant woman during pregnancy, like typhoid or any disease caused by immune deficiency and problems in the digestive system.
  • Abnormal appearance of chromosomes, causing a genetic defect that acts during the formation of an embryo.
  • The mother is exposed to many infections, such as viruses that are transmitted from the mother to the fetus.
  • Mother is suffering from some chronic disease or diabetes.
  • The mother is exposed to high blood pressure during pregnancy, which leads to sepsis.
  • Pregnancy with twins, which puts a lot of pressure on the mother’s uterus.

Symptoms of fetal growth retardation

After getting the answer to this question, can fetal development stop and then come back? We will learn about the signs that can appear on a pregnant woman that indicate to her that the development of the fetus has stopped, and that she should immediately consult a doctor, which is shown in the following lines:

  • Eliminates pregnancy symptoms, such as: dizziness, nausea, vomiting, swollen breasts, severe constipation and swollen veins.
  • Inability to hear the fetal heartbeat at all times, causing the mother to feel as if the fetus is silent.
  • Sudden abortion.
  • A pregnant woman experiences severe cramps that she had not experienced before, and the strange cramps are also accompanied by dizziness, nausea, and vomiting.
  • Bleeding mainly occurs in some cases when a lot of blood is lost.
  • Signs of yellowness are visible on the woman’s face.
  • Stop eating suddenly.
  • A pregnant woman has pain in her back and legs.
  • A lot of vaginal discharge comes out, because this discharge is in liquid state like water.
  • Fever is usually a high temperature.

Also read: 4 main symptoms that indicate that the development of your fetus has stopped

Methods of treatment of arrested fetal development

After knowing all the above things about fetal development and related questions, you can now know the treatment of this condition as follows:

  • If the fetus is less than 34 weeks old, it is necessary to check with the doctor from time to time.
  • Continuous monitoring of amniotic fluid around the fetus in the womb.
  • If the pregnant woman exceeds the thirty-fourth week of pregnancy, the situation will be very difficult, as the doctor will resort to early cesarean section to preserve the life of the mother and the life of the fetus.
  • Before performing this procedure, a woman should monitor the fetal movements, just as a doctor monitors the fetal movements until the day of birth.
  • Apart from this, some foods should also be eaten which promote healthy development of the fetus, the most important of which are proteins, vegetables and fruits.
  • Keep in touch with the doctor periodically and continuously at every stage of fetal development.
  • From the health point of view of the fetus, its general condition must be known.
  • Monitor the condition of the placenta and uterus to ensure that food is being delivered properly to the fetus, and to ensure the health and care of the mother while on the diet.

Also read: How to determine the position of the fetus by the shape of the abdomen

Tips to Prevent Arrest of Fetal Development

To avoid this question, does fetal development stop and then reverse? From a maternal perspective, every mother should take precautions during pregnancy and be careful in treatment to reduce the risk of fetal stunted growth. You will find some suggestions in the following points:

  • Alcohol or smoking and those unhealthy elements should be completely avoided as they greatly affect the health of the fetus in terms of development.
  • In comparison to the mother lying on the bed, continuous exercise by the mother, due to which the fetus remains dynamic and active, due to which the fetus always remains lazy and drowsy, which affects its body formation.
  • A pregnant woman should drink not only healthy liquids but also drinks or liquids in general and during this time she should use natural honey in place of sugar.
  • She will have to prepare a complete and systematic daily diet and thus divide her diet into small daily meals during the day.
  • Avoid drinks and foods that cause nausea and dizziness over a long period of time.
  • Stay away from sugar and citrus fruits.
  • Eat slowly, such as by chewing your food thoroughly, to ease the digestion process.
  • An effort to reduce psychological and nervous pressure on pregnant women.
  • Have any medicines you take reviewed by a specialist before taking them.
  • If there is any problem, keep meeting the doctor from time to time to solve it.

During pregnancy, a pregnant woman feels intense anxiety throughout the life of her fetus, and is asked many questions, so she should take care and follow the advice that provides good health to her fetus.

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