
My Experience with Jazz for Hair: The specialty of Jazz is to soften the hair

In the past, jazz was used for hair growth by targeting and strengthening the hair follicles. It was also used to kill insects that spread hair. The biggest drawback is that it leaves dryness in the hair.

My Experience with Jazz Poetry

One of the users of Al-Jazz Hair Lengthening mentioned her story, how using hair care products made with many chemicals caused her hair to fall out, which made her very worried, so she searched for some natural ingredients Which can be used. To get rid of the problem of hair fall, and during research I saw that some girls were talking about the benefits of jazz for hair, so I decided to try it, and actually from the first use Got clear results. It became much softer, the follicles became stronger, and the hairless areas began to grow again. He continued using it for a month, and he was at his best. He also mentioned that its smell only lasts for two days and then disappears, and suggested the girls to use the white type, as he explained that there are two types of jazz, one of which is harmful. The yellow one is contaminated, and the other one is suitable for hair. , It tackles existing problems like cracking and brittleness.

Another girl talked about her story with Jazz, because her hair falls out a lot and has become too light from the colors she uses, because they dry it out and make it brittle, so He took advantage of cutting it when it was tall, and thus . His mother advised him to use jazz to solve this problem, let’s try, we won’t lose anything, and she brought two cups of water and a fourth cup of jazz in a bowl, poured it on her hair and combed it. Started doing. It detangled easily, and after three months of use, my hair was much longer than before.

jazz harms hair

Having unfortunate jazz in the hair can cause a lot of damage, ranging from yellowing to turning red, and the damage includes the following:-

  • Dry hair is ugly and brittle.
  • It dissolves fat in the scalp, which helps protect it from germs and other factors. As a result, the scalp becomes sensitive and vulnerable to cancer.
  • Serious infections occur.
  • brittle hair
  • Excessive hair fall.
  • If hair is near fire, it can catch fire, because it is a flammable material.
  • Eczema disease.

Benefits of jazz for hair

  • Jazz can be used by applying it to the scalp to help remove existing oil, so that the natural cosmetics can provide the essential elements to the scalp.
  • The blood reaching the head helps to activate, thereby strengthening the hair follicles.

How to get rid of hair jazz

  • You can use a cup of lemon juice and pour it on the hair and leave it for ten minutes, then wash the hair with conditioner.
  • You can use one of the natural recipes that help remove the smell of jazz and make the hair smell beautiful and wonderful.
  • Recipe Ingredients: Half cup lavender oil, half cup rose water, one-fourth cup lemon juice and one teaspoon musk oil.
  • Method of preparation: Mix the previous ingredients together and place them in a clean, dry bottle and use them after washing hair. It is also advisable to let the hair air dry immediately after combing and drying.

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