
Fat Freezing Process

You’ve heard a lot about fat coagulation technology and its benefits, but before implementing it, there are some facts you should be aware of.

What is fat freezing technique?

This technique relies on freezing body fat under the skin which is then eliminated by the liver. The session takes about an hour. Results start appearing after about one to four months.

Benefits of fat freezing techniques

This technology activates the body to completely get rid of fat, and its benefits include:

After each session, the person can continue their day as normal.

This technique is safe and low risk.

The frozen fat does not leave scars, and cannot cause any type of inflammation or infection.

This again reduces the chances of gaining excess weight, as it causes the formation of fat cells throughout the body.

Results are very natural and appear gradually with sessions.

It mainly helps people whose weight is within normal limits.

People should avoid this technique

You should know that this technique is designed for stubborn fat that does not disappear with exercise and diet, and it is prohibited to resort to it in some cases, for example:

Pregnant women or women trying to conceive.

People with weak immune system.

Patients with neurological diseases.

Skin disease patients.

Patients with relatively new infections.

People who use blood thinning medicines.

Risks of Slimming and Fat Freezing Techniques

This technique is certainly safer than other techniques such as liposuction, but it has some side effects that do not always appear and disappear after a few days, including:

-redness of face

hardening of the treated area

Swelling and mild swelling

constant tingling sensation

Loss of normal identity in desired area

-getting hurt

skin sensitivity

itching in the frozen area


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