
When are the results of face-lift threads visible? When do the threads dissolve and the pain goes away?

What are face lift threads?

you are using face lift threads These procedures are absorbable, and are inserted into the skin and into specific areas to enhance the face. It provides immediate lifting and tightening as well as a gradual improvement in loose skin, as the process stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. The skin tissue that causes this type of treatment is treated. In cosmetic clinics, they use high quality “Mint” threads, which are approved by the Food and Drug Administration, and are strong in composition and 100% absorbable. , There are no incisions and no stitches, and this treatment requires only local anesthesia.

What to do before a face lift?

Although a thread lift is a non-surgical procedure that requires a lot of preparation, there are some precautionary measures that can be taken to get the best results from the lift. A day or two before treatment:

  • drink alcohol
  • Omega fish oil supplements.
  • Vitamin E
  • High intensity exercise.
  • Do not go to steam rooms and saunas

When are the results of a face lift with threads visible?

Some of the results of the treatment, from skin tightening to brightening and brightening of the skin, are visible immediately after treatment, in fact skin tightening may occur while the patient is gone and results are visible weeks later.

The final results of a thread lift will be visible within one to two months of treatment, and the time it takes depends greatly on the age of the patient, and age is one of the main factors in how quickly new and healthy collagen is formed in the body, Collagen. This is the protein that is responsible for plumping the cheeks, filling fine lines, and smoothing wrinkles.

Most people get satisfactory results after a single facelift, and the results are visible within six to nine months after the first treatment so we can determine whether the person needs to continue treatment, and after that, He will not need any other treatment for three years.

If you are between 30 and 60 years of age, the skin on the face may have moderate to advanced aging, and this is the ideal time to undergo a thread lift, however, it is important to get a consultation before the treatment. A specialist before deciding whether this treatment is suitable for the person.

Some older patients with severe facial aging may be better suited for a procedure such as facelift surgery, however, we can advise at a consultation and will always recommend what we believe will work best for your facial sagging concerns. Will do. Medical history, to ensure that a thread lift would be a safe and appropriate option, if more appropriate instant face lifting cream,

When does the pain go away and when does the person’s threads dissolve?

hurts the most first 24-48 hours Only after surgery and after each day of deterioration will there be, normal activities can be resumed as the doctor allows, normal activities with attention to health care and taking medications as prescribed.

Eat lightly or drink fluids for 7-10 days after surgery, and keep the head of the bed or “lazy boy” chair elevated (at a 45-degree angle) for the first 5-7 days. After surgery, raise your forehead, smile, and tighten your neck before touching the pillow. Don’t touch or wash the person while you’re lying down for 12 hours, and don’t pull the face down for 3 weeks.

During the first few days after surgery, pain relievers may be taken as needed, especially after eating. To avoid nausea, most patients do not find narcotic pain relief necessary. During the next 2–3 days, sleep cycles may be temporarily altered due to surgery, anesthesia, or medication.

Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil, Nuprin) or Tylenol are helpful immediately after surgery and for an additional 7-10 days after stopping oral pain relievers. The ulcer is healing, and you should avoid taking aspirin for two weeks before your scheduled appointment to tighten the skin. Surgery.

How to sleep after facial threading?

Sleeping on your side or stomach puts pressure on the face. This should be avoided for about a week after the thread lift procedure, and try to sleep on your back with your head on a pillow to reduce swelling after the thread. High.

Although the thread lift procedure is a clinical procedure in this major practice, you still need to take certain precautions afterward to ensure the best results. To learn more about the thread lift procedure to improve your appearance, contact Beauty Center and make an appointment. Or consult them online. Also consider what not to do after a thread lift.

Areas that can be treated by thread lift

The cheeks and lower part of the face or the cheeks neck and lower part of the face are important areas for treatment as they are suitable for synergistic skin tightening treatments such as Ultherapy. Because thread lift is so versatile, it is possible to treat almost any area of ​​a person. Areas include:

  • Neck.
  • Idiot.
  • Jaw line.
  • Nasolabial folds.
  • Wrinkles around the eyes.
  • Area under the eyes.
  • eyebrows
  • Cheek.

What should be avoided after facial threading?

do vigorous exercise

Many patients ask, many people ask about exercising after a thread facelift. The answer is yes, it is possible to exercise after a thread facelift. However, for the first week or two, the plastic surgeon may perform light exercises. Get exercise only, such as walking, and avoid running, bicycling, lifting weights, or any other vigorous activity until the stretch marks heal. The head is below heart level and you should keep your head elevated.

planning important events

Recovery time for a thread lift is relatively short, about one to two weeks. During this time some people may feel some pain and injury. If possible, it is best to schedule a thread lift procedure at least two weeks before any significant event or post-surgery body appearance, and to ensure that the face looks nearly flawless.

to complete

After a thread lift, it’s important to avoid wearing makeup for at least 48 hours, this gives the stitches time to heal, and wearing makeup for a few days also reduces the risk of damage from rubbing, applying, and removing yourself. It happens. face. to complete

go swimming

Beauty experts recommend avoiding swimming or relaxing in a hot tub until the scar has healed, because of the potential for exercise, such as if you were on a bicycle, you should wait about a week or two before diving back into the water. Needed

absence of marital relations

Sexual activities are a form of physical exercise. About a week after the stitches are pulled, light sexual activities can begin depending on the speed of healing, and you can usually return to your normal sex life within two weeks.

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