
Causes of delay in pregnancy after multiple births

Finding out the reasons for delay in conception after multiple births helps in solving the problem of the expectant mother easily, especially after the birth of one or more children, because there are some couples who do not wish to have children. But there is a problem. After many past lives, we will explain about the causes and proper treatment through the site.

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Causes of delay in conception after multiple births

Below we will review the causes of delayed pregnancy after multiple births, known as secondary infertility. It should be noted that many of the reasons for secondary infertility are similar to the reasons for delaying the first pregnancy:

1_ The age of women is increasing

  • A woman may want to get pregnant after multiple births and may be 35 years of age or older.
  • As a woman’s age increases, the chances of conceiving decrease and the likelihood of the fetus being affected by certain syndromes and diseases increases.
  • The reason for delaying pregnancy after multiple births is that fertility suffers in the mid to late thirties and older, so women face secondary infertility as the eggs become smaller.

2_Lack of sperm in men

Sperm count in men decreases due to many factors like increasing age, poor health, certain medications and prolonged use of electronics.

As a result of the above mentioned factors the sperm gets affected over a period of time and as a result, the chances of conception reduces after multiple births.

3_ Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Ovarian syndrome is a form of hormonal imbalance that causes irregular menstruation, and thus the loss of eggs on a regular basis.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the causes of delayed pregnancy for the first time, and one of the causes of delayed pregnancy after multiple births.

4_ Obesity and weight gain

When a woman gains weight after more than one birth, whether due to childbirth and breastfeeding, or due to eating too much, or any other reason, pregnancy is delayed.

Because being overweight causes insulin resistance as well as high testosterone, which significantly reduces ovulation.

5_ high temperature

  • One reason for delaying pregnancy after multiple births is exposure to high temperatures.
  • As a woman, when you spend too much time in a Jacuzzi or sauna, it can lead to miscarriage or delay in pregnancy.
  • The same applies to men also, because exposure to high temperatures weakens the sperm and reduces their number.

6_ Exposure to psychological pressure

Poor psychological state and the thought of pregnancy and its delay actually delay it, whether it is the first pregnancy, the second, or the ones after that.

Stress results in hormonal disruption and reduction in the number of eggs, leading to imbalance in the menstrual cycle and ovulation days and thus delaying child birth.

7_ Previous cesarean section

  • After a woman undergoes one or more cesarean sections, she may experience a number of problems that may delay her ability to conceive again.
  • Among these problems is blockage of the fallopian tube, and surgical operation may lead to some deformity or infection, which is one of the reasons for delaying pregnancy after multiple births.
  • A woman may suffer from blocked fallopian tubes after more than one birth due to health problems, even in case of natural birth.

8_ Some problems appear in the uterus

Problems may arise in the uterus, leading to secondary infertility. Uterine problems have many causes, such as exposure to uterine surgery that causes adhesions in the uterus or leaves scars.

Some women develop uterine fibroids and certain other tumors that delay pregnancy and reduce the chances of it occurring, as well as cancerous tumors.


  • Endometriosis is a very common cause of delay in first pregnancy.
  • This is also a reason for delaying pregnancy after multiple births as it can happen after one or more children.
  • Endometriosis is a condition in which tissue grows outside the lining of the uterus in the wrong place for which it was intended.

10_ Breastfeeding

A woman is unable to get pregnant during breastfeeding due to high prolactin or milk hormone.

Some women experience poor ovulation while breastfeeding and their fertility decreases during this period, so you will need to wait until the baby is weaned.

11_ Taking certain medical medicines

There are medical treatments that affect a woman’s ability to ovulate and become pregnant.

A woman may have to wait some time after stopping the pill to ovulate and get pregnant again.

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Necessary tests for delayed conception for women

When pregnancy is delayed one or more times after childbirth, the woman needs to undergo several tests to determine the causes of pregnancy delay after multiple births to properly resolve the problem.

Below we explain the basic tests for delayed pregnancy for women:

  • A general physical examination is one of the infertility tests that reveal the cause of delayed secondary pregnancy.
  • The tests required for secondary infertility are the same as those performed by a woman for the first time in case of delayed pregnancy.
  • When ovulation testing reveals the causes of pregnancy delay after multiple births
  • An X-ray of the uterus and tests for several hormones are also ordered.
  • When the cause is unknown, the doctor asks the woman to undergo a pelvic ultrasound examination.
  • In rare cases, it may be necessary to perform hysteroscopy and laparoscopy.

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Causes of secondary infertility in men

There are many reasons for delaying pregnancy after a few births, which relate only to men, and among these reasons are:

  • Being overweight in men increases estrogen levels and reduces the number of sperm produced, reducing a couple’s chances of conceiving.
  • A man may have reasons that prevent him from conceiving despite having had a child or two before, and these reasons include increased pressure on the bladder and exposure to high temperatures.
  • Due to pressure on the bladder, weight also increases and fat starts accumulating.
  • Causes of delayed conception after multiple births in men include smoking and excessive drinking, as well as drug abuse.
  • There are some medications that can cause problems with a man’s ability to conceive, such as cancer medications.
  • A man can develop a number of diseases that affect his fertility, such as varicocele, immune infertility, difficulty ejaculating and reproductive failure.
  • All the previous causes reduce the numbers of animals, weaken their strength, and cause deformities such that they die, disappear, or their movements slow down. These are all factors that delay pregnancy.

How to detect infertility in men

The causes of delayed conception in men after having one or more children are detected in the same ways as delaying conception in the first place, which are:

  • A comprehensive examination of the reproductive system by a male health practitioner.
  • Get a semen test done.
  • Ultrasound helps to detect varicocele.
  • In some cases, it is necessary to take a sample of testicular cells from the scrotum after anesthesia.
  • The doctor may also order blood and hormonal analyzes for male hormones.

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Treatment of delayed pregnancy after multiple births

Treatment for delayed pregnancy after multiple births is divided into treatment for women according to the cause, and treatment for men if they have problems with their fertility as follows:

1_ Treating delayed pregnancy after multiple births due to woman-related causes

  • Monitor the days of ovulation to see if the problem is related to ovulation and if the cycle is irregular, as the treatment in this case is to stimulate ovulation through various methods prescribed by the doctor.
  • If the reasons for delay in pregnancy after multiple births are unknown and unspecified, a woman can reduce psychological stress and live her life normally as stress and anxiety affect pregnancy.
  • It is also important to pay attention to eating habits and reduce the intake of caffeine and foods that increase weight and are harmful to health.
  • Ideal weight and good health is one of the most important things that helps you get pregnant naturally without taking any medicines or undergoing any surgery.
  • You can do moderate exercise and take nutritional supplements after discussing the matter with your doctor.
  • If the cause is medical, such as endometriosis or adhesions in the uterus, it is necessary to contact a doctor and undergo medical treatment.

2_Treatment of delayed conception due to male related reasons

There are many treatment methods for various causes of delayed pregnancy after multiple births related to men. The right way to diagnose and treat the problem is:

  • If the situation requires, the doctor may prescribe some medicines that improve the function of the hormones.
  • Surgery may be necessary if the cause is a blockage in the tubes that carry sperm.
  • The same applies if the cause is varicocele which requires surgery.
  • In some cases, doctors prescribe strengthening medications, such as for erectile dysfunction or dry ejaculation, which cause sperm to return before they reach the vagina.
  • Pessaries may be necessary when medications fail to treat erectile dysfunction and inability to ejaculate.
  • There are also good medicines that increase testosterone levels in men and solve the problem of delayed conception.

Also read: Pregnancy symptoms 10 days before menstruation

In conclusion of the article about the causes of delayed pregnancy after multiple births, dear followers, we told you about the causes of delayed secondary pregnancy, and we hope that the causes and methods of treatment for men and women will help everyone. Readers will benefit and so will the readers. Help spread awareness on this topic.

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