
A word about the motherland, its love and how to connect with it and protect it.

In fact, it is not a word about the Motherland, not the best words about the Motherland and its value in Islam, but it is many words that express our love for our Motherland, on whose land we grew up Has happened.

No matter how much he travels and travels to other countries, eventually he will return to his motherland and settle down further, and it is our duty to be a member of it. , love it, fear it, protect it, and reclaim it from your life.


beautiful words about patriotism

  • Home is that warm suit in which we feel the fragrance of mother and the protection of father.
  • Ours, not our motherland, so that we can worship it, sing for it and sing for it only.
  • It is the home of eternal love, whether we are in its dry and green land or in the sea or the desert.
  • The letter w in the word Homeland can be considered as loyalty to our motherland, and from the letter ta we learned kindness and generosity, and from the letter n we learned nobility and dignity.

Our motherland deserves our efforts and our blood to preserve it, just as it deserves that we sacrifice our hearts for our motherland, just as our souls are raised to heaven.,

  • If we are far from you, my beloved Motherland, and we smell the scent of roses and jasmine, your name will long be exalted, and we will never forget you.
  • There is no greater happiness than our happiness in the independence of our country.
  • There is nothing more lovely than home.
  • Our love for our country does not mean that we hate other countries
  • We love our country and seeing its soil renewed.
  • The world will not be at peace until patriotism disappears from the souls of people.
  • Memories also have a fragrance, and it is the fragrance of the motherland.
  • Honorable hearts love the country.
  • It is no different from my motherland, and I will not rest without it, nor will I remember my beautiful days without it.

Patriotism is not just a word or a demand, but a real act of fear, security and concern,

  • Motherland lives in our hearts just as the heart lives in our ribs.
  • When we drink the water of our country and are absent due to circumstances or travel, we yearn to drink this water again.

local definitions

  1. Motherland is the land on which a person grew up, and the place where he grew up drinking water and eating its benefits.
  2. The motherland knows everyone, and it is the bond of those who have no back, and it is the second stomach that we seek after the mother’s womb.
  3. Its native habitat is described as a good tree that grows only in the soil of sacrifices and is watered only by blood and sweat.
  4. Home is where our heart lives, and if our feet leave it, our heart goes astray.
  5. Home is like a school which teaches us how to breathe like heart, pulse, arteries and eyes.

thoughts about motherland

first thought,

  • There is no need to compromise with love for the motherland, neither arguments, nor resounding slogans, nor thousands of words. Our movements express our love for it, our words flow as our voices speak it.
  • The people endured the colors of torture for the sake of their country, and their hearts continued to beat with love and devotion till the last stroke of life. I.

second thought,

  • The most important thing we have is our homeland, and the homeless person knows neither its past nor its future. If a family is healthy, it will definitely create a healthy motherland.
  • Therefore, parents should inculcate love for the country in their children, no matter what the circumstances, do their best for their country and work hard.

third thought,

  • The love of motherland is ingrained in our hearts, so we cannot abandon it or be absent from it…something. The land belongs to our body and we need to protect its land and protect its boundaries.

characteristics of patriotism

Keeping your hometown clean starts at home. Everyone cares about the cleanliness of their home because they love their motherland.

  • patriotism everywhere,

It is a great sign of belongingness or love towards motherland, because a lover of his motherland is proud of everyone and does not hide his identity and always sees it as the most beautiful motherland.

  • Protect your country and don’t be fooled by the following,

Anyone who loves his country and is a member of it cannot accept those who speak ill of him or make fun of him, and he feels that whoever has sinned against the country has I myself have committed a sin.

  • he can’t lose his temper,

One of the symptoms of love for one’s motherland is the inability to separate or move away from it, and if he is forced to do so, you will not find him joking or stopping like he used to while sitting in his motherland.

He who loves his motherland sees no harm in it, therefore he believes in sacrificing and protecting it and does not delay or sacrifice himself in case of danger.

Poetry about colloquial language and what scholars and writers said about it in the past

If I were a mole in my country, I would argue with a mole.,

Salsabil’s heart thirsts for darkness with the eyes of the sun.

Al-Jahiz said: When the Arabs traveled or invaded, they took sand and agar from their lands for inhaling.

The heart cannot describe one’s love for one’s country, even if words take a lot of time, and actions are the best way to express those authentic feelings.

Our country has the right to protect its public property and the people living in it like parents, and our success is love for our country because the success of the individual is the success of the group, then the success of the society and the whole. Country.

We help each other to achieve social cohesion and keep roads, public parks and institutions clean so that the country becomes more beautiful.

patriotism in islam

  • The Prophet peace be upon him said,

(Two eyes that have no hands are in the fire, one eye that cries out of fear of God, and one eye that protects God in the night.)

From this hadith, we conclude that defending and protecting the homeland is a form of Jihad for God, and it means that God Almighty will fire those who love their homeland and protect it. And try their best to defend. ,

Separation from the homeland, as soon as the messenger arrived, when he left the cave at night on his migration from Mecca to Medina, al-Zuhfa, is considered a test.

  • Then the Prophet said- Addressing Mecca ,

“Which country do you like, and I love you, and if my people had not driven me from you, I would not have stayed with you.”

  • Almighty God says,

(If you did not help him, then God helped him when the infidels drove him out of the cave, and he said to his companion: Do not repent, God is with us.)

  • Al-Aini said that the separation of one’s homeland is a confrontation.

After that, we gave a speech about the motherland. The best speech about motherland and its value in Islam. Rather, we must be loyal to our motherland and protect it by word and deed, so that we do not allow the enemy to enter our land, destroy anything in it, or kill our brothers, because this will destroy our motherland. Protects us from all evils, and protects us. Safe and sound in this.

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