
Why does left breast tingle?

Why does left breast tingle?

Gynecologists say that there are several medical causes of tingling, prickling or pain in the left or right breast or both:

hormonal changes

  1. During the menstrual cycle, a girl or woman experiences hormonal changes that cause pain or tingling in the breast, which resolves when the menstrual cycle ends and the hormones are restored to their normal levels.
  2. Menopause and menopause is a stage in which hormonal changes occur as a result of reduction in estrogen and is one of the causes of breast pain.
  3. Women who are going through hormonal changes during pregnancy or breastfeeding, which can cause breast tenderness.
  4. All these reasons cause tender pain in the breast, due to which the pain increases by touching the breast or wearing a tight bra.

hormonal drugs

  1. Hormonal medications cause changes in hormone levels that cause breast pain.
  2. The most prominent among these medicines are contraceptive or fertility enhancing medicines which increase the chances of having children.

psychological stress

  1. Psychological states affect the functions of the body and the hormones secreted by it, as some scientific studies have confirmed that anxiety and stress cause breast pain in women.
  2. Physical stress or tension during periods of hormonal changes, such as when you have your period, can make breast pain worse.

Medical conditions that cause tingling in the breasts

Breast pain may be caused by a medical condition or breast health problem that requires a physical examination along with a medical examination by a gynecologist for diagnosis and treatment.


  1. It is a medical condition in which tingling and pain in the breast are the signs and symptoms, and it is characterized as an inflammation of the cartilage connecting the chest bones and ribs.
  2. Scientific studies have shown that the most common age group for costochondritis is women 40 years of age or older.
  3. Gynecologists recommend anti-inflammatory drugs to treat and manage pain.
  4. Lifestyle changes, such as physical rest, avoiding heavy lifting, and doing some breast-strengthening exercises may help relieve pain.


  1. Mastitis is a cause of breast itching in women due to good conditions, such as mastitis, which is treated with antibiotics prescribed by a specialist.
  2. Hormonal changes in the menstrual cycle, pregnancy or menopause can also cause mastitis.
  3. Other causes of tingling and pain in a swollen breast include wearing a tight bra or putting too much pressure on the breast muscles.

breast cyst

  1. It is one of the gynecological medical conditions that causes breast pain, as fluid-filled cysts form inside the breast.
  2. By touching the breast, the woman will notice a soft or hard lump or swelling.
  3. Breast cysts also cause changes in the breast ducts or milk ducts.

breast surgery

  1. Breast pain in a woman who has recently had breast surgery is a common cause of breast pain, as gynecologists confirm that women experience it as a temporary side effect after breast surgery.
  2. So that the pain is intense in the first days after the operation and then gradually subsides until it heals and disappears.
  3. Furthermore, the condition of scar tissue in the breast as a complication of the operation is one of the causes of itching or holes in the breast.

Breast Cancer

  1. Although most women with breast cancer do not feel pain or tingling, a lump in the breast is not unexpected.
  2. When gynecologists say that most breast cancer patients do not feel pain, on the contrary, the percentage of those who do feel breast pain is small.
  3. Therefore, it is important to consult a gynecologist for early detection of breast cancer, which helps in preventing it and eliminating risk factors.
  4. If breast cancer is one of the causes of itching, the woman may notice obvious changes in the breast, such as swelling or the appearance of lumps in the breast tissue, as well as swelling or discharge from the nipple.

fibrous cyst

  1. Fibroid cyst is a type of benign tumor that grows in the breast tissue and appears as a painful lump.
  2. Medical examination appears to indicate that early treatment is necessary to prevent the cyst from turning into a type of cancer.

Causes of breast tingling during breastfeeding

There are certain medical conditions related to the breastfeeding period that cause breast pain to a lactating mother, so a gynecologist should be consulted to avoid causing the transmission of infection to the baby during breastfeeding.

increase milk production

  1. Some breastfeeding mothers suffer from excessive milk production, and this is because the levels of the prolactin hormone are higher than the normal rate for a breastfeeding mother.
  2. This problem affects the baby during feeding, spitting or coughing.
  3. It also causes tingling, numbness or pain in the breasts.

milk discharge

  1. During the breastfeeding period, the amount of prolactin hormone responsible for the production of milk to nourish the newborn increases, as the breast fills with milk and then empties as a result of the baby drinking milk during breastfeeding, Which is much more natural than that. once again. This is one of the causes of breast pain for breastfeeding mothers.
  2. The pressure of a baby’s hand on the breast or nipple while mouth-feeding is one of the causes of occasional numbness in the breast of a lactating woman.

breast bulge

  1. This is one of the causes of breast pain for a breastfeeding woman, as the breast is filled with mature milk, which is secreted from the breast a few days after birth and is important for the care of the baby.
  2. Although feeding does not cause breast pain for some breastfeeding mothers, other mothers experience breast pain due to the different response or reaction of the breast to milk secretion.


  1. It is one of the medical conditions related to breastfeeding period that causes tingling and pain in the breasts. Because it occurs as a result of infection of the milk ducts in the breast or blockage of the milk ducts.
  2. Another sign of mastitis is swelling or redness of the breast, as well as a feeling of heat in the breast.

thrush infection

  1. This is known as a fungal infection of breastfeeding mothers that causes breast tenderness, and is treated with antifungal medications.
  2. Gynecologists prescribe a safe pharmaceutical drug during breastfeeding that does not harm the quantity or quality of breast milk, so as not to harm the nutrition of the newborn.

Left breast invasion, pregnancy symptoms

  1. Gynecologists say that breast tenderness during the first two weeks of pregnancy is one of the early symptoms of pregnancy.
  2. But this may be a sign of premenstrual syndrome, so a pregnancy test should be done to confirm or deny fertilization of the egg.
  3. On the other hand, breast pain without any leakage is a.

Frequently Asked Questions About Breast Piercing

Is tingling in the breast a sign of cancer?

  • Breast pain is not a sure sign of breast cancer, especially in the early stages, but the appearance of a raised swollen lump is one of its symptoms.
  • It is recommended to consult a gynecologist to perform a physical examination and medical tests to quickly diagnose or prevent this disease, especially when a genetic factor is present.

Is tingling in the breast dangerous?

  • The risk of tingling in the breast depends on the cause detected through medical examinations, as it has serious symptoms that should be referred to a gynecological clinic.
  • Such as breast pain that persists for more than a week or two.
  • Breast pain gets worse and does not improve despite taking painkillers.
  • Pain in the breast with signs of swelling or inflammation.
  • Seeing a raised lump in the breast.
  • Discharge from the breast.

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