
Beautiful phrases about happiness and famous proverbs

beautiful sayings about happiness

Beautiful phrases about happiness that we present to you through the site. We all seek happiness, some of us achieve it, others find it in the warmth of family, and others feel happiness in a word from a friend or brother that relieves life’s difficulties and their worries. If it reduces, then nothing. There is no doubt that the concept of happiness varies from person to person, but we are the ones who make us happy with our hands. A person is always associated with satisfaction, so we should look at life positively, be optimistic and look at everything that makes us feel comfortable and happy. During the following lines we review some phrases that spread happiness among people. Souls.

beautiful sayings about happiness

  • One who wants to be happy in everything will not find happiness in anything.
  • Happiness does not mean not facing problems or experiencing pain, but happiness should be stable, calm and optimistic when facing these difficulties and pain.
  • Happiness is in your memories and your memory depends on your memories, so make a happy life your happy memories.
  • Happiness is like a butterfly, if you run after it you will not be able to catch it, but if you sit, it will come and stand on your shoulder.
  • Happiness always seems small when it is in our hands, but if we share it with others we will realize how precious it is.
  • Be happy with the simple things, you should be happy every day, you are happy with your family, you are happy with your job.
  • When you are happy you don’t know whether it is summer or winter.
  • To be happy in this life, it is enough to have a true heart, pure conscience and peaceful soul.
  • You must be happy with what you have and be happy with your situation and also pay attention to those who are less than you in grace, and who are worse off than you, then you will be happy.
  • Know that no one cares about your sadness, so always be happy.
  • Don’t spend your life looking for your happiness in others, because you will feel lonely and unhappy, but look for it within yourself, and you will feel happy even if you are alone.

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A few brief words about happiness and joy

There are some beautiful sentences about happiness that spread positive influence and bring more hope, including:

  • Man’s happiness lies in his closeness to God, to the world, no matter how long it is, it is short-lived, so you have to work for the afterlife.
  • If you want happiness you have to work because it is the only way to keep yourself happy.
  • There are two ways to be happy, the first is to try to get more things and the second is to be happy with what you have less.
  • Joy and happiness cover your youthful face, no matter what your age.
  • People are always looking for happiness, and happiness is only sought by those who deserve it.
  • Happiness is what you give to others, not what they give to you.
  • Whoever tries to correct it will be happy, and whoever forgets it in his pleasures will be unhappy and unfortunate.
  • The search for happiness is the biggest cause of unhappiness.
  • Don’t let anyone steal your happiness, and don’t let your happiness depend on anyone’s reaction or praise.
  • Don’t wait for certain things to happen to make you happy, but train yourself to be happy with all the blessings that you have and that you take for granted.
  • Happiness is the best face makeup.
  • Remember to replace the sad with happy moments so that you will not despair, and remember with the sad to replace the happy with so that the magic will come over you.
  • If you can’t smile without any reason, then you have realized the truth.
  • The happiest day of a person’s life is the day when he dies, and everyone is with him, praying for him wholeheartedly.

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Some expressions about happiness

  • It is you who decides happiness and sorrow by your thoughts.. Ibrahim al-Feki.
  • Know that one’s happiness does not last long in one place… Herodotus.
  • I found that happiness is in owning a business, but luxury is in smiling from the heart.. Ahlam Mosteghnemi.
  • Happiness is the knowledge of good and evil.. Plato.
  • First morality, then knowledge and ability. It is the key to happiness for individuals, governments and the public… Mustafa Al-Sibai.
  • Happiness is not made only by food, not by expensive clothes, not by desires and jealousy, but by eternal love.. Fyodor Dostoyevsky.

Also read: The most beautiful words and phrases about love, worship and love for all lovers in the kingdom of love

Summary of the article in three points

  • In this article, we discussed beautiful phrases about happiness.
  • We have also mentioned some brief words about happiness and joy.
  • And some feelings of happiness.

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