
The 2 most important benefits of fasting for pregnant women

Fasting and Pregnancy

It can be said that between the benefits of fasting for pregnant women and questions about the health of the fetus as well as concerns related to the dangers of fasting, the fasting period is one of the most confusing periods for pregnant women. Regarding the impact on the health of a pregnant woman, here we have to point out that many scientific studies have shown that a woman who does not have a negative impact on her health and does not suffer from any health problems, even without fasting. Fasting can affect the health of the pregnant woman, her health or the health of the fetus. If the woman is suffering from any health problem or pregnancy is having a negative impact on her, it is better to break the fast during these days and do it later. In all cases, it is better to seek medical advice, as the doctor can determine the health status of the pregnant woman and then determine her ability to fast or not.

What are the most important benefits of fasting for pregnant women?

As mentioned earlier, getting medical advice is one of the most important things that helps in deciding whether to break the fast or not.

  • Fasting is one of the most important things that helps in improving the psychological condition of pregnant women, especially those women who suffer from pregnancy depression, because during pregnancy, women face many hormonal changes which affect their psychological condition. Situations vary, but fasting is one of the things that helps improve their mood, along with performing many worship acts related to the holy month of Ramadan, which helps them feel calm and comfortable. .
  • Fasting is one of the most important steps that helps in improving the functioning of the digestive system. It should be noted that digestive system problems are one of the most common problems that pregnant women normally suffer from, so fasting helps the digestive system. It works better, makes it. To get rid of problems like constipation, indigestion and increased acidity in the stomach.

A series of the most important tips for pregnant women during Ramadan

There are some important tips that a pregnant woman should follow while fasting, which include:

  • Pay attention to the suhoor meal, which should include a large percentage of the most important nutrients.
  • Do not eat large amounts of food at breakfast and distribute it slowly.

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