
Since after the reversal she did not feel anything and became pregnant

Flashback and how did you feel after finding out you were pregnant? How can you be sure of pregnancy after delivery again? Many women are interested in asking these types of questions, because the sensitivity of the topic of pregnancy is medical technology and not natural ways of getting pregnant.

After the reversal I didn’t feel anything and I turned out to be pregnant

Some women ask: “What did you feel after the change and were you able to get pregnant from each other?” This may result from a lack of knowledge and familiarity with the details of the embryo transfer or ICSI procedure, such as symptoms. Pregnancy begins at least two weeks after the infection begins.

This is because after the embryo returns to the uterus, the body will need ten days to two weeks to release the HCG hormone, and the HCG hormone will continue to develop until the pregnancy is stable and thereafter. . , The fetus grows normally until the pregnancy progresses at a normal pace on its own.

A woman may not feel the normal symptoms of pregnancy just because their appearance has intensified. For example, we see that most of the people who asked about it did not feel anything after the relapse a few days after the relapse procedure, but the hormone chorionic gonadotropin symbolized by the name HCG, ten days or two weeks after the relapse. Begins to appear within the uterus, also known as pregnancy hormones.

Women who ask this question, even if they know the reality of the condition and the time it takes for pregnancy symptoms to appear after a replacement, should also be aware of the strength and severity of pregnancy symptoms after the procedure. From one woman to another, these symptoms are usually summarized as follows:

  • Increased feeling of nausea.
  • A little blood drips from the vagina.
  • Frequent vomiting, especially in the morning.
  • Swelling and congestion in the breast.
  • Feeling tired and sick.
  • general weakness.
  • Pay attention to changes in the nature of vaginal discharge.
  • Feeling pain or cramps in the abdomen similar to pain or cramps that occur with menstruation.
  • Feeling pain in nipples.
  • strong headache.
  • The need to go to the bathroom frequently increases.
  • Suffering from frequent constipation problems.
  • Severe sensitivity to certain smells and certain types of foods and drinks.
  • Decrease in desire to eat.

Also read: How do I know if I’m pregnant after embryo transfer?

embryo transfer

We cannot review the details of the question of who did not feel anything after an abortion and came out of the pregnancy without mentioning some women who do not know what a reversal is, and embryo reversal is called ICSI. The final stage can be defined as. The process by which some women try to become pregnant if their husband or husband has delayed conception or problems.

This new medical technique is based on taking a sample of the husband’s semen and extracting the best and finest sperm from it, then injecting it into a mature egg previously removed from the wife’s body and fertilizing it. To conceive.

This egg is returned to the woman’s body by implanting it directly into the uterus, or by placing it in one of the fallopian tubes so that it continues its movement until it reaches the uterus and settles there, And this technique is called this process. Micro-insemination or embryo transfer, which many couples rely on when trying to conceive.

Also Read: Tips Before Transferring Frozen Embryos

Detecting Pregnancy After Reversal

We previously explained that the body needs a period of ten days to about two weeks to respond to an ICSI procedure or embryo implantation, during which the pregnancy is established and the embryo naturally grows and develops in the uterine environment. It happens, but pregnancy should not occur. Came to know before that. This period has ended.

As if the pregnancy test before the end of this period, it will appear that the result is negative and there is no pregnancy at first, and on this basis the woman will act and treat it as if there is no pregnancy, and it actually exists. , but her symptoms are not intense or proven, and the percentage of pregnancy hormone in the body has not increased to that extent. Which shows up on a pregnancy test, and thus the fetus is born.

In cases of IVF pregnancy, it is not recommended to do a pregnancy test using a pregnancy test or home pregnancy strip, as the result may not seem accurate and the result may be negative, so it is better to do the analysis in its medical condition. the laboratory.

This analysis is done by taking a sample of the woman’s blood and examining it to detect the presence of HCG or pregnancy hormone in the body.

This analysis is repeated after forty-eight hours, to track the growth of the percentage and ensure that it is developing and increasing and not in a state of stagnation or decline. The larger the percentage compared to the last time in the analysis, it means that the pregnancy is progressing correctly and there is no need to worry.

Also read: Medicines used after embryo transfer

A woman who asks if she feels anything again after pregnancy and coming out of pregnancy should know that pregnancy symptoms vary from one woman to another according to the nature of the body that a woman is in. vary from woman to woman. A woman may not feel pregnancy symptoms after a reversal, but they gradually become visible over time.

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