
When is hair loss dangerous?

When is hair loss dangerous? My dear, you can know when hair loss is dangerous from what we show in the following lines, all this and the details that interest you…

When is hair loss dangerous?

  • When is hair loss dangerous? Hair loss can be dangerous when it exceeds the normal rate
  • Falling of 50 to 150 hairs per day is considered normal, whereas if more than 150 hairs fall per day, it could be a sign of problems that the person is suffering from.
  • Therefore, you may need to consult a doctor to find out the causes of hair loss.

When is underweight dangerous?

  • When is it dangerous to lose weight? Weight loss can be dangerous in various cases, such as if a person loses 5% of their weight suddenly or after diet and exercise within 6 to 12 months.
  • When is it dangerous to lose weight? This can result from overactive glands and rheumatoid arthritis.

When is it dangerous for a child to fall on his head?

  • When is it dangerous for a child to fall on his head? The mother should monitor the baby for 24 hours after a head-down fall. If some symptoms appear, a doctor should be consulted.
  • When is it dangerous for a child to fall on his head? If the child appears to be falling asleep immediately after falling or vomiting
  • Bright lights and loud sounds cause discomfort to the child, there is difficulty in seeing and speaking and the child loses his balance while walking.
  • Swelling of head, screaming and crying. If you notice any symptoms you should consult a doctor

When is visible stool dangerous?

  • When is the form of stool dangerous? There are some cases in which consultation with a doctor may be required. There may be some forms of stool that may require consultation with a doctor
  • When is it dangerous to have loose stools?Stools in the form of hard and solid pieces, diarrhea with a sulfurous odor similar to eggs, loose stools but no diarrhea.
  • black or dark red stool, green stool

When is eye pressure dangerous?

  • When is eye pressure dangerous? If eye pressure exceeds the normal rate, reaching 25 mmHg, it can be dangerous, so it is advisable to consult a doctor.
  • Doctors may also prescribe some medicines to reduce eye pressure for people over 65 years of age
  • When is eye pressure dangerous? It can prevent excessive pressure on the eyes

When is an umbilical hernia dangerous?

  • When is an umbilical hernia dangerous? Umbilical hernia can be dangerous when the hernia increases in size.
  • If the hernia does not regress or heal, a doctor should be consulted, as neglecting the hernia can lead to severe inflammation or bowel atrophy.

When is kidney enlargement dangerous?

  • When is kidney enlargement dangerous? Kidney enlargement may not cause any symptoms, but some symptoms may appear over time.
  • You may need to consult a doctor if symptoms appear, such as urinary problems, pain in the arms, stomach or back, nausea and vomiting.
  • The baby faces problems like failure to thrive or failure to thrive, blood in urine, feeling tired, upset and irritated, urinary system infections, inability to empty the bladder completely, urinary incontinence.

When is an enlarged prostate dangerous?

  • When is an enlarged prostate dangerous? Enlargement of the prostate is not dangerous, because in most men the enlargement of the prostate becomes dangerous with age.
  • When is prostatic hypertrophy dangerous? However, this can be considered dangerous because if prostatic hypertrophy is not controlled, it can become dangerous.
  • Enlargement of the prostate can be dangerous and can cause urinary tract infections, difficulty urinating, and stones in the bladder.

When is a delay in menstruation dangerous?

  • When is a delay in menstruation dangerous? Delay in menstruation may not be dangerous if there is a delay of 45 days between the two periods.
  • This is considered normal and is not a cause for concern.
  • However, if your menstruation is delayed for a long time or repeatedly, you may need to consult a doctor
  • When is a delay in menstruation dangerous? There are many reasons for delay in menstruation: Stress
  • Weight loss, Menopause, Weight gain, Hormonal changes, Contraception, Polycystic ovary syndrome

When is indigestion dangerous?

  • When is indigestion serious? Indigestion may not be a problem that requires concern, as indigestion is caused by eating fatty foods, which cause indigestion.
  • When is indigestion dangerous? However, indigestion can be considered dangerous if it recurs without reason.
  • Also, if indigestion continues for a long time or for more than a week, you should consult a doctor to avoid side effects

When is the size of fibroids dangerous?

  • When is the size of fibroids dangerous? Fibroids cannot be classified as dangerous, as fibroids are not considered dangerous if they are small.
  • When is the size of fibroids dangerous? But if the size of fibroid is large and it is not treated, then fibroid is dangerous.
  • Some symptoms appear in the long run which indicate the danger of fibroids.

When is hypotension dangerous?

  • When is low blood pressure dangerous? Low blood pressure can be considered dangerous in some cases
  • When is low blood pressure dangerous? Systolic blood pressure below 90 mm/Hg, diastolic blood pressure below 60 mm/Hg, or both are dangerous.
  • You should visit a doctor to avoid side effects caused by low blood pressure

When is swelling in the legs dangerous?

  • When is swelling of the legs dangerous? Swelling of the feet can be dangerous if it is caused by a problem.
  • Therefore, you should consult a doctor to know the cause of swelling in feet.
  • Preeclampsia, venous insufficiency, heart or liver and kidney problems
  • When is swelling of the legs dangerous? If swelling of the legs persists for a long time, or does not respond to home remedies
  • When you notice signs of swelling or chest tightness and increased swelling

When is high hemoglobin dangerous?

  • When is high hemoglobin dangerous? High hemoglobin is one of the problems that causes many diseases.
  • High hemoglobin causes blood clots, dizziness and blood viscosity
  • Splenomegaly, angina, stroke, stomach ulcer, heart disease, arthritis

When is low hemoglobin dangerous?

  • When is low hemoglobin dangerous? Hemoglobin level less than 12 is indicative of anemia
  • If the hemoglobin level is less than 12, it indicates anemia, but if the hemoglobin level is 7, the person is suffering from severe anemia.
  • Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor to avoid side effects

When is shortness of breath dangerous?

  • When is shortness of breath serious? Not all cases of shortness of breath may be serious, but there are some cases that may require consultation with a doctor
  • When is shortness of breath dangerous? When a person feels severe and sudden shortness of breath
  • feeling short of breath without any reason
  • Inability to work due to chest pain and stiffness
  • vertigo and dizziness
  • cough and phlegm
  • nausea
  • shortness of breath while sleeping

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