
Treatment of hormonal disorders in women

Treating hormonal disorders in women is one of the most important things that a woman should pay attention to, as they cause complications and affect her psychological and hormonal state.

Treatment of hormonal disorders in women

There are several specific hormones that affect a woman’s body, such as estrogen and progesterone.

These disorders appear in all stages of a woman’s life, but they are concentrated in puberty, pregnancy and menopause, and they have a clear role and effective influence in regulating body functions.

Treatment of hormonal disorders in women depends on the cause, treating the health problem by replacing the disturbed hormone with another synthetic hormone, and these methods include:

1- Methods used to treat menstrual problems

Because a woman suffers from the problem of irregular menstruation or this problem can manifest itself through heavy bleeding during menstruation, which is the result of disturbances in the mentioned hormones.

The solution here is to treat hormonal disorders using birth control pills, which are hormonal patches, IUDs and hormonal rings.

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2-Use of antiandrogens

If the percentage of androgen is higher than normal then the hormone has a dominant effect, as it causes acne, and higher percentage leads to hair loss.

Therefore, this condition is treated with anti-androgens that work to reduce the permissive excess.

3- Use of estrogen

Therapeutic estrogen is used to treat hormonal disorders in women using estrogen-containing pills, injections, and creams.

It also works to reduce menopausal symptoms, which appear due to decreasing estrogen levels, and manifest in night sweats and vaginal dryness.

4- Ovulation induction treatment

They are medical treatments to induce ovulation, and are used in women who suffer from health problems related to poor ovulation, or polycystic ovary syndrome, which are problems that affect women and cause infertility. There are, and these treatments include Lirozole and Clomiphene. ,

5- Flibanserin

This medicine works to deal with low sexual desire that occurs before menopause in women, but caution should be taken as it has serious side effects, so it is important to consult a doctor and use it.

6- Other treatments

Several treatments are used to treat hormonal disorders in women, including metformin, which is a treatment used to treat polycystic ovary syndrome and is used to treat patients with type 2 diabetes. Is.

There is also a medication called eflornithine, which is a cream treatment that is used to solve the problems of excess facial hair, a problem that many women suffer from.

Additionally, levothyroxine treatment is used to treat underactive thyroid gland, which plays a major role in hormonal disorders in women.

Herbal remedies for hormonal disorders in women

There are some herbs that help treat hormonal disorders in women, which are (red clover, maca, ginseng, evening primrose oil, Chinese angelica and black cohosh).

These herbs help balance hormones, which helps keep menstrual cycles regular, reduce menopause symptoms, and help relieve sleep disorders.

Also Read: My Experience with Marjoram to Regulate Hormones

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women

There are several signs by which a woman can confirm that she has a hormonal disorder, and by recognizing them she can move towards treating hormonal disorders in women, including:

  • Note irregularity of the menstrual cycle, meaning it does not come on normal dates, and pregnancy may be delayed or progressed.
  • Appearance of excess hair on various areas of the face and body.
  • Feeling tired and unable to sleep.
  • night sweats.
  • The weight increases a lot and it becomes difficult to reduce it.
  • Feeling constantly tired and stressed.
  • Sexual desire decreases.
  • Feeling pain during intercourse.
  • The vagina becomes dry and atrophy occurs.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Hair becomes thin and the risk of hair fall increases.
  • A feeling of high temperature in the upper body and heat radiating from the face.
  • The skin appears darker than normal.

Tips to maintain hormonal balance

There are several suggestions that help women maintain hormonal balance, thus avoiding the need to treat hormonal disorders in women, including:

1- Drink plenty of water

Water plays a major role in adjusting hormonal ratios, and keeping body organs performing their proper roles for as long as possible.

2- Playing sports

This text works to participate in the treatment of hormonal disorders in women, as it works on the response of cells to insulin, which helps reduce the risk of hormonal disorders and the risk of diabetes.

3- Relying on healthy food

A healthy, balanced diet helps keep hormone levels as they should, such as:

  • Eat a diet that includes a variety of proteins, carbohydrates, fiber and fats.
  • Rely on healthy fats in eating foods, represented by olive oil, and found in nuts, as they also help protect against diabetes.
  • Stay away from processed sugars as they have a negative impact on hormone levels.
  • Eat fish as it is rich in omega-3, which will regulate hormones and help reduce the risk of polycystic ovary syndrome.
  • Make sure you eat in moderation and stay away from obesity as it helps cause hormonal disruption. It is also dangerous to exceed the acceptable limit of eating, which will make you thin.
  • Relying on fiber in food helps cells respond more quickly to insulin, making people feel full and preventing obesity in obese people.

Also read: My Experience with Hormonal Confusion

4- Avoid stress and relax

Hormonal interference in the body One of the most important psychological factors that a woman is exposed to is feeling stressed, as the cortisol hormone is constantly increasing due to stress.

It should be noted that sleep is one of the most important factors that influence hormonal disorders in women, as it influences the hormones insulin, cortisol, growth hormone and other hormones that affect women.

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